In 1993, Sasser Construction participated in the East West Partner’s Parade of Homes in Gatling Pointe South. Sasser built the Druid Hill’s Manor Home- a house plan designed by Stephen Fuller, Inc., a Southern Living home designer for over three decades. Lil Petrusnek, the Southern Living House Plans magazine editor at the time, recommended to… Continue Reading
Ever wanted to build your Dream Home in a ‘Parade of Homes’ or a ‘Homearama type’ home show extravaganza? This is your chance! The Peninsula Housing and Builders Association has announced its selection for the 2016 Fall Parade of Homes event- Founders Pointe, a waterfront community of custom homes located in Isle of Wight County, near… Continue Reading
Thinking about buying a new home? We’ve come up with a few good reasons why now is the perfect time to explore your new home options. After a resurgence in our new home sales success in 2014, in several of our East West communities in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, many are predicting a banner year for the… Continue Reading